Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another update on my Army career!

Okayy so last you heard I had just taken the ASVAB. Well we are far past that now!

I had my meeting with SGT. Castle to go over job options, which was supposed to be on a Tuesday but got moved to Thursday at the same time because the highway was closed down due to a fuel tanker crashing and spilling over 7,000 gallons of fuel! Wow. I hope the driver (whoever he was) RIP and that his family is able to move on.

Well by the time my meeting rolled around I was DYING to go. The job I had wanted (Combat Documentation/Production Specialist) wasn't an option but out of the ones I had, I think I had one even better. Human Intelligence Collector, which you probably know as military intelligence! How awesome is that? Coolest ever and everyone said it was a great MOS. I knew my ship dates, where I'd go for training and how long, how long I had to serve for that job (4 years and 17 weeks), everything.

So I was happy with it. We set the date for me to go back to MEPS for my physical the next Wednesday, hotel the night before of course. I was nervous but sooo excited. After I got all the boring physical stuff out of the way I would be able to sign my contract and swear in! It was unbelieveable, and seemed even a little less real now that is was more real.

I know, that doesn't make sense.

But its the truth! And so then Tuesday came around and eventually I got to the hotel and it was reallyyy nice and I was relieved to find I had a room mate and wasn't the only girl there. She was nice, her name was Amanda. I wonder what happened with her after I last saw her at MEPS that day...

Anyway so we get down to the very last part of the medical stuff, where we have to do all those fun little exercises in a big group in our underwear and then have the "personal" exam with the doctor. This is where they checked our height and weight.

So I'm exactly 5'4 and then she checks my weight. She hesitated and I knew something was wrong. All I could think was oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm under, I'm under weight, oh nooo I'm under weight aren't I?

Sure enough, yepp. My BMI was 17.0 when it needed to be 17.5. Ridiculous right? I have to gain 11 pounds. I wasn't allowed to sign or swear in. I just finished the stupid physical and had to go home. I have four days to gain each pound (44 total) and will go back December 2nd to be reweighed and measured to see if I meet requirements. If I don't, I think I get temporarily disqualified for 6 months.

All of the recruiters at my station were really upset. None of them had expected it to be a problem and think its ridiculous (shh, don't tell). My biggest worry is that because they only hold a job temp. for seven days, it means I'm no longer guarenteed my job. It sucks because now I might get stuck with some crappy job I'll hate and it'll ruin my time for me in the Army.

But there's nothing I can do about it. My recruiter told me not to worry and he'd do whatever he could to get me that job back or something just as good, you know. But it still sucks.

So it has been 6 days counting today. I weighed myself yesterday and I've gained two pounds! Its like a miracle. Gaining weight is really hard for me because like my dad, I have a veryyyy fast motabalism and (sort of) unlike my dad, a small appetite. So gaining weight is like a uge issue for me. It just doesn't happen. Of all the things I could have not passed, had to change and then go back for, weight is the hardest for me personally.

I suppose this is the true test of just how much I want this and what I'm willing to do for it...

Sacrifices and I'm not even in yet! Lol. Well its apparently going okay because I AM gaining the weight, and even ahead of schedule. Hopefully it stays that way.

So does anybody have tips for quick weight gain? Here's what most people are saying:

EAT EAT EAT!!! (Obviously.)
Strength training to put on muscle weight (instead of just fat).

What to eat/drink:

-other protien drinks
-taters and gravy

And thats actually about it. So besides just trying to eat general junk food (and potatoes) what are some specific foods that I could regularly eat? Things that would be easy to incorporate into my diet (as well as my family's, my mom is the one that cooks here).

And as for the strength training, can anyone give me specific things that will work well, and fast, and not burn a bunch of my calories? Obviously there is absolutely no cardio allowed here, so I can't get back to running to help train. But what about doing my push-ups and sit-ups? Is that okay? Is it good, or should I just lay off the training for basic?

Anyway. Thats the update on my life. Now tell me about yours. ;P

Yours truely,