This post is a little on the late side, don't you think? If by some miricle, you were following my blog, then I apologize for not having post in almost three months.
Anywho, its 2011! Half way through already, to be exact. I still feel like two days ago I was counting down the minutes left in 2010.
School midterms/finals are this week. Let me tell you how much I NOT looking forward to those. Though it shouldn't be too bad. I only have three actually exams and one is just presenting a project.. could be worse. I'm glad to be switching classes, thats for sure.
I might just miss enviormental science, though.
This semester I'll be taking Sociology, Photography 2 (black and white film), Parent and Child Development, Exp. With Foods, and will have a study hall for new classes. Unless you count switching lunches. Then I also have the rest of my American Lit/English 11 class and my math class.
Should be interesting.
New Years resolutions? I didn't really have any. Did you?
Now for the marrige part of this post!
I learned yesterday that two of my friends from when I lived in Florida are now engaged. They just gratudated last year, so I was even more surprised it was so early. I don't have much contact with them anymore, but I gotta say I didn't see it coming. At least not now.
Its quite weird to have people I know, people I was friends with and grew up with for some time, getting married. It seems kinda unreal. Like "wow, people are really growing up and moving on with their lives."
Its hard to fathom, I guess. But I am very happy for them and wish them the best!
PS: Whats new for you so far in 2011?
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