Then an idea popped in my head and I couldn't shake it. I was immeadiately taken with the idea of this novel-blog, as I called it. It would be great!
So I got right to work starting up another blog under the same dashboard as this one, and started thinking of what the storyline could be and before I knew it there was a whole storyline starting to form before my eyes. I spent the passed three days getting it started and making the blog, and finally, less than half an hour ago, got the first post ready and put it up!
The idea is called Story of the Rose and deals with elves and a few other creatures here-and-there like Nymphs and Faeries. I won't post every day as I want to keep the story going for a while, plus theres still a lot of planning to do. But I just couldn't keep myself from starting it and putting up the first post because i'm so sure of how the beginnings going to go.
Now I better get back to planning further- as I only have it planned out to about three posts! But I can't help it. When I have a fresh idea I'm really excited about the sooner I start to tackle it the easier it is for me to stick with it before it starts getting complicated and I'm already sick of it.
I'd loooveee to hear some feedback on it and get some people reading. I don't want the posts to feel like they drag out forever so I'm keeping them relatively short, plus its easier for a quick read that hopefully will have you coming back for more.
Its also written in a bit different style than I've previously written in, so I hope it turns out okay.
The blog is and I really hope I get some followers with it by the next post or two- otherwise I'll probably quit posting it as a blog and just turn it into a manuscript, eventually it may go on Inkpop.
So if you like Blogs, like reading, like something hopefully fresh, and you like some fantasy, then you should check out Story of the Rose!!

Samantha-Aniwaya (Reader, Writer, and Friend)
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