Okayy so last you heard I had just taken the ASVAB. Well we are far past that now!
I had my meeting with SGT. Castle to go over job options, which was supposed to be on a Tuesday but got moved to Thursday at the same time because the highway was closed down due to a fuel tanker crashing and spilling over 7,000 gallons of fuel! Wow. I hope the driver (whoever he was) RIP and that his family is able to move on.
Well by the time my meeting rolled around I was DYING to go. The job I had wanted (Combat Documentation/Production Specialist) wasn't an option but out of the ones I had, I think I had one even better. Human Intelligence Collector, which you probably know as military intelligence! How awesome is that? Coolest ever and everyone said it was a great MOS. I knew my ship dates, where I'd go for training and how long, how long I had to serve for that job (4 years and 17 weeks), everything.
So I was happy with it. We set the date for me to go back to MEPS for my physical the next Wednesday, hotel the night before of course. I was nervous but sooo excited. After I got all the boring physical stuff out of the way I would be able to sign my contract and swear in! It was unbelieveable, and seemed even a little less real now that is was more real.
I know, that doesn't make sense.
But its the truth! And so then Tuesday came around and eventually I got to the hotel and it was reallyyy nice and I was relieved to find I had a room mate and wasn't the only girl there. She was nice, her name was Amanda. I wonder what happened with her after I last saw her at MEPS that day...
Anyway so we get down to the very last part of the medical stuff, where we have to do all those fun little exercises in a big group in our underwear and then have the "personal" exam with the doctor. This is where they checked our height and weight.
So I'm exactly 5'4 and then she checks my weight. She hesitated and I knew something was wrong. All I could think was oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm under, I'm under weight, oh nooo I'm under weight aren't I?
Sure enough, yepp. My BMI was 17.0 when it needed to be 17.5. Ridiculous right? I have to gain 11 pounds. I wasn't allowed to sign or swear in. I just finished the stupid physical and had to go home. I have four days to gain each pound (44 total) and will go back December 2nd to be reweighed and measured to see if I meet requirements. If I don't, I think I get temporarily disqualified for 6 months.
All of the recruiters at my station were really upset. None of them had expected it to be a problem and think its ridiculous (shh, don't tell). My biggest worry is that because they only hold a job temp. for seven days, it means I'm no longer guarenteed my job. It sucks because now I might get stuck with some crappy job I'll hate and it'll ruin my time for me in the Army.
But there's nothing I can do about it. My recruiter told me not to worry and he'd do whatever he could to get me that job back or something just as good, you know. But it still sucks.
So it has been 6 days counting today. I weighed myself yesterday and I've gained two pounds! Its like a miracle. Gaining weight is really hard for me because like my dad, I have a veryyyy fast motabalism and (sort of) unlike my dad, a small appetite. So gaining weight is like a uge issue for me. It just doesn't happen. Of all the things I could have not passed, had to change and then go back for, weight is the hardest for me personally.
I suppose this is the true test of just how much I want this and what I'm willing to do for it...
Sacrifices and I'm not even in yet! Lol. Well its apparently going okay because I AM gaining the weight, and even ahead of schedule. Hopefully it stays that way.
So does anybody have tips for quick weight gain? Here's what most people are saying:
EAT EAT EAT!!! (Obviously.)
Strength training to put on muscle weight (instead of just fat).
What to eat/drink:
-other protien drinks
-taters and gravy
And thats actually about it. So besides just trying to eat general junk food (and potatoes) what are some specific foods that I could regularly eat? Things that would be easy to incorporate into my diet (as well as my family's, my mom is the one that cooks here).
And as for the strength training, can anyone give me specific things that will work well, and fast, and not burn a bunch of my calories? Obviously there is absolutely no cardio allowed here, so I can't get back to running to help train. But what about doing my push-ups and sit-ups? Is that okay? Is it good, or should I just lay off the training for basic?
Anyway. Thats the update on my life. Now tell me about yours. ;P
Yours truely,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Update On My Future-Soldier Endevors
So this post is a bit behind on the "updating" part, but I'll catch you all up. So we're passed the point where I told my parents, talked to the counsler and practically set a date to talk to a recruiter. That was last Sunday and Monday. Now skip to Tuesday.
I'm in 3rd period guidance again and getting ready to leave to finish an art project and ask Mrs. Boder (the secretary) if she had heard back yet from the recruiter she had said she would e-mail. I didn't even think she'd have a response yet! Or at least not a very final one.
Then she tells me something along the lines of (I can't remember exactly), "Well he said he'd come in and talk to you but he's teaching a class and might not be able to so I don't know whats going on."
Me: "Uh.. You mean TODAY?" "Yes."
Well alrighty then. But you know what, I wasn't even that shocked. My first thoughts were "I knew this was gonna happen and I should have brought my notebook with questions in!" Seriously. So Mrs. Boder says she guessed since he had yet to come in he probably wouldn't until later in the week. So that was that and I left to finish my art project.
Then one of the people that works in there with me that period (her name is Samantha, too, actually) comes to the class and says they are here to talk to me and I need to come back to the guidance office NOW. Ha... So I hurry up and scrub the glue off of my hands and shove my measly collage onto the drying rack and head back with her to the office while telling her all about my goals for a military life.
We get there, I meet with SGT. Wagner from active duty and another SGT. from reserves (I can't remember his name... whoops) and we talked for maybe 15 minutes or so. It wasn't anything big just a general meeting and some questions and what I was looking for type of thing. But, especially because I'm only 17, we couldn't do anything further until my parents met with me and SGT. Wagner and we basically had the same meeting I had just had but longer and with my parents allowed to be involved. So SGT. Wagner tells me to talk to my parents and call that day to set up a time that was good for us.
So my dad called that night and set the appt. for Friday (last Friday, the 23rd, remember this all happened on Tuesday the 27th). Also, at the meeting, my club I've been doing at school got mentioned and they were very interested in it and talked about how they'd been wanting to do Army clubs in schools and here I am already doing it! Score for me.
And the SGT. from the reserves was all "what if someone came to your meeting and talked to you about what it does mean to have that support" and all and of course I said that'd be awesome! Then they wanted to come to our next meeting- which was the next day on Wed! I was ecstatic and so excited.
So then Wednesday comes and the meeting was crazy and there were plenty of problems but to keep this very long story slightly shorter it comes down to this- it was awesome, and they (the Army via SGT. Wagner and SGT. Christophel who came with SGT. Wagner) want to be really involved and help our club out in any way possible- keep coming to the meetings, giving us cool stuff to show our support (like shirts, hats, wristbands, etc.) and the students, particularly one girl whose mother is in the military, surprised me with their want to get involved too! It was just plain amazing and I was extremely happy. Also note- again 3rd period guidance roles around that morning and right at the end a SGT. walked in and I wasn't really paying attention but I caught a few words of his conversation with Mrs. Boder and realized they were talking about, guess who, me! So I walk over and come to find out SGT. Castle (the guy who had come in) is my ACTUAL recruiter, not SGT. Wagner. He was who was teaching a class and SGT. Wagner was just filling in for him. He was who I'd meet with my parents.
So Thursday goes by and nothing happens but waiting and Friday comes and after I get out of school my parents pick me up and we head over to the recruiting office to meet with SGT. Castle/Wagner/Christophel (they work as a team and all help out. I kinda have 3 recruiters lol!). So we talk for about an hour and a half, mostly with SGT. Wagner because SGt. Castle was doing stuff although he was right there (it was just like an open rectangular room when you walked in with their desks and a fourth empty one and they were all sitting right there and randomly commenting in lol. I loved it). So we answer some more questions and SGT. Wagner talks a lot to my parents and trys to give them that.. expert advice they needed to hear to calm them down about the whole thing.
And towards the end I was like... "So if I said I was sure right now and didn't want more time to consider this, when could I take the ASVAB?" And so we set it up for the following Wed. (yesterday, the 28th). So I study a bit and have moments of "I'll do great" (few of those lol) and plenty of "OHMYGOD I'M GOING TO FAIL EVEN THOUGH THATS IMPOSSIBLE!" But I took it and guess what... I did great!
My AFQT score is a 77. That is the score made up of the four main subjects (word knowledge, arithmatic reasoning, mathmatics knowledge, and paragraph comprehension) that is added up in some way I don't know to get the 77. This test isn't "out of something." There is no pass or fail and you aren't marked off for getting things wrong. It isn't a knowledge test- memorizing things- it is a skills test- what you can do. As I've said a hundred times already while explaining all of this. So that 77 means I'm in the 77th percentile. I scored better than 77% of people who have taken the test!
This score is what determines whether or not you may enlist in the military at all. You have to get at least a score of 31 and once you get towards 50 is when job options start opening up (as your scores determine what job catergories you qualify for and therefore the MOS, or job, you will sign for). From what I found online a while back I had to score a 95 in two different job catergories to get the job I want, which is Combat Documentation/Production Specialist, and my lowest job cat. score was like.. 104 and in neither of those anyway. So I qualify, I just have to get lucky from here on out. Its a hard job to find openings for.
From this point on I have to wait on SGT. Castle to make some phone calls and do some paperwork, and then we can meet again and go over my job options and set a date for my physical. After that... its signing papers!
I'm really excited and cannot wait. :)
I thought the test was the hardest part until I shipped out, but really, figuirng out all the details of my contract is going to worry me. I don't want to get jipped, ya know? Which I know SGT. Castle wouldn't let happen to me (or SGT. Chistophel and SGT. Wagner for that matter I'd guess) but still, it is worrying. Its a big decision and I don't want to screw anything up!
Also, that physical... eesh. I'm looking forward to that! Oh wait... no... I'm not. Tons of paper work and questions, lots and lots and LOTS of waiting around, tests, and invasion of privacy. Gotta love it.
I'm in 3rd period guidance again and getting ready to leave to finish an art project and ask Mrs. Boder (the secretary) if she had heard back yet from the recruiter she had said she would e-mail. I didn't even think she'd have a response yet! Or at least not a very final one.
Then she tells me something along the lines of (I can't remember exactly), "Well he said he'd come in and talk to you but he's teaching a class and might not be able to so I don't know whats going on."
Me: "Uh.. You mean TODAY?" "Yes."
Well alrighty then. But you know what, I wasn't even that shocked. My first thoughts were "I knew this was gonna happen and I should have brought my notebook with questions in!" Seriously. So Mrs. Boder says she guessed since he had yet to come in he probably wouldn't until later in the week. So that was that and I left to finish my art project.
Then one of the people that works in there with me that period (her name is Samantha, too, actually) comes to the class and says they are here to talk to me and I need to come back to the guidance office NOW. Ha... So I hurry up and scrub the glue off of my hands and shove my measly collage onto the drying rack and head back with her to the office while telling her all about my goals for a military life.
We get there, I meet with SGT. Wagner from active duty and another SGT. from reserves (I can't remember his name... whoops) and we talked for maybe 15 minutes or so. It wasn't anything big just a general meeting and some questions and what I was looking for type of thing. But, especially because I'm only 17, we couldn't do anything further until my parents met with me and SGT. Wagner and we basically had the same meeting I had just had but longer and with my parents allowed to be involved. So SGT. Wagner tells me to talk to my parents and call that day to set up a time that was good for us.
So my dad called that night and set the appt. for Friday (last Friday, the 23rd, remember this all happened on Tuesday the 27th). Also, at the meeting, my club I've been doing at school got mentioned and they were very interested in it and talked about how they'd been wanting to do Army clubs in schools and here I am already doing it! Score for me.
And the SGT. from the reserves was all "what if someone came to your meeting and talked to you about what it does mean to have that support" and all and of course I said that'd be awesome! Then they wanted to come to our next meeting- which was the next day on Wed! I was ecstatic and so excited.
So then Wednesday comes and the meeting was crazy and there were plenty of problems but to keep this very long story slightly shorter it comes down to this- it was awesome, and they (the Army via SGT. Wagner and SGT. Christophel who came with SGT. Wagner) want to be really involved and help our club out in any way possible- keep coming to the meetings, giving us cool stuff to show our support (like shirts, hats, wristbands, etc.) and the students, particularly one girl whose mother is in the military, surprised me with their want to get involved too! It was just plain amazing and I was extremely happy. Also note- again 3rd period guidance roles around that morning and right at the end a SGT. walked in and I wasn't really paying attention but I caught a few words of his conversation with Mrs. Boder and realized they were talking about, guess who, me! So I walk over and come to find out SGT. Castle (the guy who had come in) is my ACTUAL recruiter, not SGT. Wagner. He was who was teaching a class and SGT. Wagner was just filling in for him. He was who I'd meet with my parents.
So Thursday goes by and nothing happens but waiting and Friday comes and after I get out of school my parents pick me up and we head over to the recruiting office to meet with SGT. Castle/Wagner/Christophel (they work as a team and all help out. I kinda have 3 recruiters lol!). So we talk for about an hour and a half, mostly with SGT. Wagner because SGt. Castle was doing stuff although he was right there (it was just like an open rectangular room when you walked in with their desks and a fourth empty one and they were all sitting right there and randomly commenting in lol. I loved it). So we answer some more questions and SGT. Wagner talks a lot to my parents and trys to give them that.. expert advice they needed to hear to calm them down about the whole thing.
And towards the end I was like... "So if I said I was sure right now and didn't want more time to consider this, when could I take the ASVAB?" And so we set it up for the following Wed. (yesterday, the 28th). So I study a bit and have moments of "I'll do great" (few of those lol) and plenty of "OHMYGOD I'M GOING TO FAIL EVEN THOUGH THATS IMPOSSIBLE!" But I took it and guess what... I did great!
My AFQT score is a 77. That is the score made up of the four main subjects (word knowledge, arithmatic reasoning, mathmatics knowledge, and paragraph comprehension) that is added up in some way I don't know to get the 77. This test isn't "out of something." There is no pass or fail and you aren't marked off for getting things wrong. It isn't a knowledge test- memorizing things- it is a skills test- what you can do. As I've said a hundred times already while explaining all of this. So that 77 means I'm in the 77th percentile. I scored better than 77% of people who have taken the test!
This score is what determines whether or not you may enlist in the military at all. You have to get at least a score of 31 and once you get towards 50 is when job options start opening up (as your scores determine what job catergories you qualify for and therefore the MOS, or job, you will sign for). From what I found online a while back I had to score a 95 in two different job catergories to get the job I want, which is Combat Documentation/Production Specialist, and my lowest job cat. score was like.. 104 and in neither of those anyway. So I qualify, I just have to get lucky from here on out. Its a hard job to find openings for.
From this point on I have to wait on SGT. Castle to make some phone calls and do some paperwork, and then we can meet again and go over my job options and set a date for my physical. After that... its signing papers!
I'm really excited and cannot wait. :)
I thought the test was the hardest part until I shipped out, but really, figuirng out all the details of my contract is going to worry me. I don't want to get jipped, ya know? Which I know SGT. Castle wouldn't let happen to me (or SGT. Chistophel and SGT. Wagner for that matter I'd guess) but still, it is worrying. Its a big decision and I don't want to screw anything up!
Also, that physical... eesh. I'm looking forward to that! Oh wait... no... I'm not. Tons of paper work and questions, lots and lots and LOTS of waiting around, tests, and invasion of privacy. Gotta love it.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Joining the Army
I think I'm going to enlist. I've been considering it- seriously- for about a year. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less. Either way, I've thought about it so much I don't know how I'm not sick of the word. Its the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep- yes, I'm talking about the military and not some guy!
But in all seriousness, it really is. I think about it at least 50 different times a day, probably way more. I absolutely can not ignore the thought anymore. I suppose thats why I let myself consider it in the first place. I had imagined once or twice when I was little, sure, but when I became much more... involved, I guess, I actually thought about it for a minute and was kind of just like- that could never be me.
And ever since that moment, the thought won't leave me. It kept nagging me until I thought about it again, and then nagged until I decided to consider it. Nagged until I did consider it, and then until I allowed myself to think "I think I'm gonna do it."
I just talked about it with my parents yesterday. They both responded exactly as I'd expected. Let me explain.
My dad, he loves the military; he almost joined himself (though the Marines, not the Army). He likes what they have to offer you- personally what the military can do for you. The kind of person it can make you in to. I also very much like that about the military. So he understands that and even agrees. Also the money as a job and for college and all that, too. But that isn't the number one priority on my list- its just a plus. I think he agrees with that. But of course, there's still the danger factor and me being his kid, daughter even, and he doesn't want that for me obviously. So thats where he is hesitant, as well as it isn't something you decide to do lightly and he wants me to know that. (Which trust me, I DO!)
And then theres my mom. She... to say the least, "flipped her lid." She absolutely does NOT want me to join in any shape or form and if she could prevent me from doing it (which she might say otherwise but I don't buy), I think she would. All she sees is the danger factor and that's it. Not even the value as a job, or for the college money, or for bettering me as a person, or even just because it is what I want to do. She says she'll support me (as did my father) no matter what I ever do, because thats what a parent does. But supporting me doesn't mean she'll support my decisions and it won't cause problems between us.
Of course I'm going to wait and give them plenty of time to kind of adjust, I guess. Get used to the actual idea and rationaly consider it rather than just acting and speaking on your first thoughts- which are usually the least desired ones.
I don't plan to push them about it, or argue with them, or get angry at their opinions. I guessed what they would feel, I was prepared for it or any other possible reactions. But I want to make sure they hear me, as well. I attempted to make it very clear how extremely seriously I have been thinking about this and that I've done the research- I'm no expert, but I know what I'm talking about and what its going to take.
I'm dying to talk about it. I try to have conversations with people but I don't have anybody to really connect with about it. I mean my dads the closest I've got I guess because he DOES understand, but he isn't removed enough I guess. I don't think it would change much for him or me, but still. And I need more than one person to talk to about it anyway.
My cousin and I have always been close- not as much as I wish we were, but I can always go to him and hopefully he'd do the same to me. So I tried talking to him about it, thinking he would understand, even agree and support me (I think he considered the military once), and to my utter surprise the first thing he says is that his first thoughts are that is isn't the best choice.
So there went my last plan to get SOMEBODY to understand completely. To REALLY talk to about it, not having someone try to convince me to go one way or the other, just talking and understanding and giving feedback. Plus it wasn't in person and he wasn't really talking to me so we never even started the conversation before it ended...
I'm not sure what I'll do. I believe that I really, truly, in all seriousness, want this for myself. But as you can guess, it isn't something you just jump into doing. I'm not sure though how much more I can prepare myself for the decision. I think at this point, all thats pretty much left is to actually make that decision.
How do you know the difference between what you just believe you want and is right for you, compared to what actually is what you want and is right for you?
I can't get rid of the feeling it is what I should do, and the feeling that it isn't right isn't even really there anymore. I don't feel scared or nervous, or unprepared or anything. My gut feeling is 100% do this. My rational mind just won't let me make it conclusive.
So how do I choose?
My next step is meeting with a recruiter- a few months ago, heck even a week ago, that seemed so final. Like you couldn't turn back once you got to that point. If I went and talked to a recruiter, that meant I was SERIOUS. This was what I wanted. But now.. It just seems like another step in the research. Now I'm looking at BCT as that "final step" rather than a recruiter. I'm actually pretty excited to do it.
I talked to my guidance counsler today, actually. Told her I had been considering it and had just talked to my family about it and wondered what she thought, what her advice was, plus my mom wanted me to talk to her about it, as well as a recruiter.
By the end of our very short conversation, she practically had me set up with an appt. to speak with a recruiter. They come to our school all the time, so we asked the secretary when they were signed up to come next and she said they actually hadn't e-mailed her about it but she'd e-mail and ask. Then my counsler was just like "well there you go when they come you can just go during your lunch and talk..." blah blah blah. But I don't have a lunch!
So she said that, well since I work in the guidance office 3rd period anyway, right before lunches (which is when they come) why not see if he'll come early and speak with me beforehand? So the secretary says she'll ask him in the e-mail.
WHOA!! That was unexpected. I'm still kinda shocked that like- wow, I'm actually taking that step. But as I said, excited too.
Can I see myself sitting down with a recruiter and discussing this? Yes... and no. It's a hard thing to come to terms with until it is right there in front of you. One thing I know for sure is I couldn't be paid all the money in the world to tell my mother for the first time that I'd been considering joining again.
But in all seriousness, it really is. I think about it at least 50 different times a day, probably way more. I absolutely can not ignore the thought anymore. I suppose thats why I let myself consider it in the first place. I had imagined once or twice when I was little, sure, but when I became much more... involved, I guess, I actually thought about it for a minute and was kind of just like- that could never be me.
And ever since that moment, the thought won't leave me. It kept nagging me until I thought about it again, and then nagged until I decided to consider it. Nagged until I did consider it, and then until I allowed myself to think "I think I'm gonna do it."
I just talked about it with my parents yesterday. They both responded exactly as I'd expected. Let me explain.
My dad, he loves the military; he almost joined himself (though the Marines, not the Army). He likes what they have to offer you- personally what the military can do for you. The kind of person it can make you in to. I also very much like that about the military. So he understands that and even agrees. Also the money as a job and for college and all that, too. But that isn't the number one priority on my list- its just a plus. I think he agrees with that. But of course, there's still the danger factor and me being his kid, daughter even, and he doesn't want that for me obviously. So thats where he is hesitant, as well as it isn't something you decide to do lightly and he wants me to know that. (Which trust me, I DO!)
And then theres my mom. She... to say the least, "flipped her lid." She absolutely does NOT want me to join in any shape or form and if she could prevent me from doing it (which she might say otherwise but I don't buy), I think she would. All she sees is the danger factor and that's it. Not even the value as a job, or for the college money, or for bettering me as a person, or even just because it is what I want to do. She says she'll support me (as did my father) no matter what I ever do, because thats what a parent does. But supporting me doesn't mean she'll support my decisions and it won't cause problems between us.
Of course I'm going to wait and give them plenty of time to kind of adjust, I guess. Get used to the actual idea and rationaly consider it rather than just acting and speaking on your first thoughts- which are usually the least desired ones.
I don't plan to push them about it, or argue with them, or get angry at their opinions. I guessed what they would feel, I was prepared for it or any other possible reactions. But I want to make sure they hear me, as well. I attempted to make it very clear how extremely seriously I have been thinking about this and that I've done the research- I'm no expert, but I know what I'm talking about and what its going to take.
I'm dying to talk about it. I try to have conversations with people but I don't have anybody to really connect with about it. I mean my dads the closest I've got I guess because he DOES understand, but he isn't removed enough I guess. I don't think it would change much for him or me, but still. And I need more than one person to talk to about it anyway.
My cousin and I have always been close- not as much as I wish we were, but I can always go to him and hopefully he'd do the same to me. So I tried talking to him about it, thinking he would understand, even agree and support me (I think he considered the military once), and to my utter surprise the first thing he says is that his first thoughts are that is isn't the best choice.
So there went my last plan to get SOMEBODY to understand completely. To REALLY talk to about it, not having someone try to convince me to go one way or the other, just talking and understanding and giving feedback. Plus it wasn't in person and he wasn't really talking to me so we never even started the conversation before it ended...
I'm not sure what I'll do. I believe that I really, truly, in all seriousness, want this for myself. But as you can guess, it isn't something you just jump into doing. I'm not sure though how much more I can prepare myself for the decision. I think at this point, all thats pretty much left is to actually make that decision.
How do you know the difference between what you just believe you want and is right for you, compared to what actually is what you want and is right for you?
I can't get rid of the feeling it is what I should do, and the feeling that it isn't right isn't even really there anymore. I don't feel scared or nervous, or unprepared or anything. My gut feeling is 100% do this. My rational mind just won't let me make it conclusive.
So how do I choose?
My next step is meeting with a recruiter- a few months ago, heck even a week ago, that seemed so final. Like you couldn't turn back once you got to that point. If I went and talked to a recruiter, that meant I was SERIOUS. This was what I wanted. But now.. It just seems like another step in the research. Now I'm looking at BCT as that "final step" rather than a recruiter. I'm actually pretty excited to do it.
I talked to my guidance counsler today, actually. Told her I had been considering it and had just talked to my family about it and wondered what she thought, what her advice was, plus my mom wanted me to talk to her about it, as well as a recruiter.
By the end of our very short conversation, she practically had me set up with an appt. to speak with a recruiter. They come to our school all the time, so we asked the secretary when they were signed up to come next and she said they actually hadn't e-mailed her about it but she'd e-mail and ask. Then my counsler was just like "well there you go when they come you can just go during your lunch and talk..." blah blah blah. But I don't have a lunch!
So she said that, well since I work in the guidance office 3rd period anyway, right before lunches (which is when they come) why not see if he'll come early and speak with me beforehand? So the secretary says she'll ask him in the e-mail.
WHOA!! That was unexpected. I'm still kinda shocked that like- wow, I'm actually taking that step. But as I said, excited too.
Can I see myself sitting down with a recruiter and discussing this? Yes... and no. It's a hard thing to come to terms with until it is right there in front of you. One thing I know for sure is I couldn't be paid all the money in the world to tell my mother for the first time that I'd been considering joining again.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Too old for trick-or-treating?
So before you know it, October is going to be here and all the fall decorations are going to be out and the inflatable ghosts and pumpkins, headstones, jack-o-lanterns, and fake cobwebs will cover yards of Halloween-enthusiasts alike.
I myself, LOVE Halloween. It is my favorite holiday and my favorite time of year. I just turn 17 a little over a month ago and I've gone trick-or-treating every year since I can remember. Why not? I dress up (even when my parens stopped buying the costumes- for example I was a rocker chic one year, a twin with my sister another, last year I made an awesome costume and went as a present..), I'm polite, I actually say "trick-or-treat" at EVERY door, I'm not out getting drunk, stealing little kids candy, tee-peeing houses or whatever instead, so what is the big deal with teenagers going trick-or-treating?
Sure, if you can take along the little ones to avoid the stares its nice, but what if your only sibling isn't even two years younger than you? You don't have the option of taking the kids (yes, I know, you can probably make it work but that isn't the point), so thats out.
You don't have parties to go to or ones you want to go to (in my case, none to even go to), too young for bars and all that.
So why not spend your evening walking around the neighborhood having a little fun?
I had bene all-for going trick-or-treating this year (yeah, I was thinking about it already. what can I say, it's starting to be fall weather really early and I LOVE Halloween), until my mom decided to nib her nose and tell me I was too old to be going anymore.
"By your age I was not trick-or-treating," she says, telling my 15-year-old sister.
"And by your age I was DEFINITELY not going trick-or-treating anymore." Indicating me.
So what if I trick-or-treat? What in the heck difference does it make if I sit at home bored, or walk arond the neighborhood for a couple of hours? I had planned on it probably being my last year- as much as I'd love to go forever, it'd probably be a good idea to hang up the pillowcase until I have kids of my own, you know. I'm not an idiot and after highschool it might be a stretch. But now the idea of it has sort of been ruined.
I feel bad for the kids whose parents are telling them at 13, even 12 and 11 that they're too old to go anymore. Let them decide that for themselves. Give guidelines, sure. Tell them if they are only going for free candy, don't intend to be polite and dress up, say trick-or-treat and all they can't go. But don't not let them go just because they're "too old" to do it anymore.
Especially because, at 12 and 13, even 14 and 15, you hopefully aren't going to be out partying so what else is there for them to do? Watch TV? Wouldn't you rather them be outside and enjoying themselves? Getting healthy exercise while doing it?
Some people say there's the risk of people with bad intentions coming up to their doorstep. Okay, so there's plenty of reasons why this is not a good argument.
1. People can come up to your door any night and you can answer it and they can have bad intentions.
2. You can simply not answer the door- you know, like you probably would on those other occasions?
3. There are plenty of people who appear older and you might miss-judge and they miss out because you had to be an old fart about someone enjoying the spirit of Halloween.
4. Plenty of people can appear YOUNGER and you'll hand them out candy with a smile- just because you think it's "right".
5. What about the people like me, just having fun? Why ruin it for them?
People also argue that kids grow up to fast- just let them be kids, and they also argue that they need to grow up and take on more adult responsibilities. What does having fun have to do with that?
Adults still have fun, and kids can also not have fun. Saying they need to "grow up" is a ridiculous arguement. You can be mature and still enjoy Halloween and going door to door in a costume. Why should you deny them having fun if they want it, and it gets the kids out of the house for two hours?
I understand after a certain point its just kind of... either be taking kids to the doors, heck wear a costume still just because its fun and people love it, or pass out the candy at home. I say once you're 20 it's pretty much the end of the road for you.
But why should somebody else get to decide that for you?
What do you guy's think? Should people learn that they ARE too old for trick-or-treating and need to pass out the candy or do a haunted house, reverse-trick-or-treating or some other form of fun that night? What age do you think is the "stopping point" and why? Please answer the WHY part. If its because your mommy made you quit at the age of 10, that really sucks, but thats a bad reason to enforce that on others too.
Do you think there really isn't an age to stop? Why? If you're a certain age do you have to have kids in tow for it to be right to take candy still?
Please, comment with how you veiw trick-or-treating and what your veiw is on the "rules" of it?
I myself, LOVE Halloween. It is my favorite holiday and my favorite time of year. I just turn 17 a little over a month ago and I've gone trick-or-treating every year since I can remember. Why not? I dress up (even when my parens stopped buying the costumes- for example I was a rocker chic one year, a twin with my sister another, last year I made an awesome costume and went as a present..), I'm polite, I actually say "trick-or-treat" at EVERY door, I'm not out getting drunk, stealing little kids candy, tee-peeing houses or whatever instead, so what is the big deal with teenagers going trick-or-treating?
Sure, if you can take along the little ones to avoid the stares its nice, but what if your only sibling isn't even two years younger than you? You don't have the option of taking the kids (yes, I know, you can probably make it work but that isn't the point), so thats out.
You don't have parties to go to or ones you want to go to (in my case, none to even go to), too young for bars and all that.
So why not spend your evening walking around the neighborhood having a little fun?
I had bene all-for going trick-or-treating this year (yeah, I was thinking about it already. what can I say, it's starting to be fall weather really early and I LOVE Halloween), until my mom decided to nib her nose and tell me I was too old to be going anymore.
"By your age I was not trick-or-treating," she says, telling my 15-year-old sister.
"And by your age I was DEFINITELY not going trick-or-treating anymore." Indicating me.
So what if I trick-or-treat? What in the heck difference does it make if I sit at home bored, or walk arond the neighborhood for a couple of hours? I had planned on it probably being my last year- as much as I'd love to go forever, it'd probably be a good idea to hang up the pillowcase until I have kids of my own, you know. I'm not an idiot and after highschool it might be a stretch. But now the idea of it has sort of been ruined.
I feel bad for the kids whose parents are telling them at 13, even 12 and 11 that they're too old to go anymore. Let them decide that for themselves. Give guidelines, sure. Tell them if they are only going for free candy, don't intend to be polite and dress up, say trick-or-treat and all they can't go. But don't not let them go just because they're "too old" to do it anymore.
Especially because, at 12 and 13, even 14 and 15, you hopefully aren't going to be out partying so what else is there for them to do? Watch TV? Wouldn't you rather them be outside and enjoying themselves? Getting healthy exercise while doing it?
Some people say there's the risk of people with bad intentions coming up to their doorstep. Okay, so there's plenty of reasons why this is not a good argument.
1. People can come up to your door any night and you can answer it and they can have bad intentions.
2. You can simply not answer the door- you know, like you probably would on those other occasions?
3. There are plenty of people who appear older and you might miss-judge and they miss out because you had to be an old fart about someone enjoying the spirit of Halloween.
4. Plenty of people can appear YOUNGER and you'll hand them out candy with a smile- just because you think it's "right".
5. What about the people like me, just having fun? Why ruin it for them?
People also argue that kids grow up to fast- just let them be kids, and they also argue that they need to grow up and take on more adult responsibilities. What does having fun have to do with that?
Adults still have fun, and kids can also not have fun. Saying they need to "grow up" is a ridiculous arguement. You can be mature and still enjoy Halloween and going door to door in a costume. Why should you deny them having fun if they want it, and it gets the kids out of the house for two hours?
I understand after a certain point its just kind of... either be taking kids to the doors, heck wear a costume still just because its fun and people love it, or pass out the candy at home. I say once you're 20 it's pretty much the end of the road for you.
But why should somebody else get to decide that for you?
What do you guy's think? Should people learn that they ARE too old for trick-or-treating and need to pass out the candy or do a haunted house, reverse-trick-or-treating or some other form of fun that night? What age do you think is the "stopping point" and why? Please answer the WHY part. If its because your mommy made you quit at the age of 10, that really sucks, but thats a bad reason to enforce that on others too.
Do you think there really isn't an age to stop? Why? If you're a certain age do you have to have kids in tow for it to be right to take candy still?
Please, comment with how you veiw trick-or-treating and what your veiw is on the "rules" of it?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Sea of Hidden Emotions (a poem)
You tell me to to talk because I never do; I talk and you get angry. What the hell do you expect me to do? (Excuse my french.)
The Sea of Hidden Emotions
Samantha N.
Holding in emotions
Trapped in a cage like animals
Under lock and key
Hidden deep inside
Nobody can see
How much I’m really hurting.
Trapped in a cage like animals
Under lock and key
Hidden deep inside
Nobody can see
How much I’m really hurting.
I hold it all in
Too tough, too proud
To say anything
To stand my ground.
Too tough, too proud
To say anything
To stand my ground.
I shut my mouth
Zip it tight
Afraid to speak, to show, to let you see.
Zip it tight
Afraid to speak, to show, to let you see.
Can you understand?
Will you listen to me?
Will you listen to me?
I want to let you in
But first I need to believe
That in the end
My choice won’t break me.
But first I need to believe
That in the end
My choice won’t break me.
I’m fragile
Held it in for much too long
Constantly singing
My sorrowful song.
Held it in for much too long
Constantly singing
My sorrowful song.
A song of pain
A song of grief
Filled with sadness, hurt, and anxiety.
A song of grief
Filled with sadness, hurt, and anxiety.
A storm of emotions
Threatening to spill
Can’t hold it in
I’m sure to erupt
The clock is ticking
A bomb ready to burst
Threatening to spill
Can’t hold it in
I’m sure to erupt
The clock is ticking
A bomb ready to burst
I’m drowning in my own demise
Set myself up
Sure to die
Set myself up
Sure to die
How long can I possibly last
When under the surface I’m ready to blast
Screaming that I want out
But I’m lost in the sea
Of hidden emotions
When under the surface I’m ready to blast
Screaming that I want out
But I’m lost in the sea
Of hidden emotions
There’s no way out
I’m stuck.
I’m stuck.
There’s no way out.
Forever I shall be trapped.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
POW Bracelet
My Grandma was out shopping who knows where, but the guy at the shop had a POW bracelet. It was the only one he had, and she bought it and gave it to me earlier today.
Now, if you don't know, POW (Prisoner of War) bracelets were popular in about the 60's-70's, and were made to represent someone who had gone MIA or been captured by the enemy. They were worn to show we still had that person (as well as all the others) in our hearts and minds (or, should I say, the people of the 60's and 70's) and some people wore them until that person returned home safe and sound. They had information about that particular POW/MIA engraved on them.
I actually love the idea of this, and think people should still do it, for all Soldiers, and not just POW/MIAs. I actually did something of the sort for my adopted Soldier (through the AAUSS program) that I planned to wear until her deployment is up, but my bracelet has decided to go MIA and I cannot find it ANYWHERE. Which really makes me sad. :( I made her one to match, as well.
So I have this POW bracelet, and obviously it is quite old. I would love to know if this person was ever found (hopefully alive)/returned home. It reads (exactly) "Capt. Peter Hesford" and below that "3-21-68".
Obviously his name and rank, and I guess the date is when he went missing or was captured. I googled it and somebody on a memorial website mentioned having a POW bracelet with the his name on it (they said "Peter Dean Hesford" but not if that's what the bracelet actually read- same bracelet and they found out his middle name? Different bracelet and same person? Different person? I don't really know), and mentioned wearing it and praying for him and being allowed to see a picture of him from his POW/MIA file when serving in the AF.
They never litterally said that he was "assumed dead" or "found dead" but it sort of sounded implied. It WAS a memorial website. So is it the same person? Should I assume the Soldier on my bracelet has indeed, sadly, died?
I don't know. I would love to know if there is a list of the bracelets made and what is known of the Soldier's whose names are on them.
Weirdly, my english teacher last year brought these up once, and said how she had one and they were popular and all, and in the mornings on the news they would show a list of names of the Soldiers who had returned home. She said she never saw her Soldier's name.
I wish I knew if there was anyway to find out if it's even worth wearing the bracelet. (I mean, of course it's worth it. He was still a Soldier and a POW and deserves recognition.) I just wish I knew the back story to such an old 'relic'... of sorts.
Now, if you don't know, POW (Prisoner of War) bracelets were popular in about the 60's-70's, and were made to represent someone who had gone MIA or been captured by the enemy. They were worn to show we still had that person (as well as all the others) in our hearts and minds (or, should I say, the people of the 60's and 70's) and some people wore them until that person returned home safe and sound. They had information about that particular POW/MIA engraved on them.
I actually love the idea of this, and think people should still do it, for all Soldiers, and not just POW/MIAs. I actually did something of the sort for my adopted Soldier (through the AAUSS program) that I planned to wear until her deployment is up, but my bracelet has decided to go MIA and I cannot find it ANYWHERE. Which really makes me sad. :( I made her one to match, as well.
So I have this POW bracelet, and obviously it is quite old. I would love to know if this person was ever found (hopefully alive)/returned home. It reads (exactly) "Capt. Peter Hesford" and below that "3-21-68".
Obviously his name and rank, and I guess the date is when he went missing or was captured. I googled it and somebody on a memorial website mentioned having a POW bracelet with the his name on it (they said "Peter Dean Hesford" but not if that's what the bracelet actually read- same bracelet and they found out his middle name? Different bracelet and same person? Different person? I don't really know), and mentioned wearing it and praying for him and being allowed to see a picture of him from his POW/MIA file when serving in the AF.
They never litterally said that he was "assumed dead" or "found dead" but it sort of sounded implied. It WAS a memorial website. So is it the same person? Should I assume the Soldier on my bracelet has indeed, sadly, died?
I don't know. I would love to know if there is a list of the bracelets made and what is known of the Soldier's whose names are on them.
Weirdly, my english teacher last year brought these up once, and said how she had one and they were popular and all, and in the mornings on the news they would show a list of names of the Soldiers who had returned home. She said she never saw her Soldier's name.
I wish I knew if there was anyway to find out if it's even worth wearing the bracelet. (I mean, of course it's worth it. He was still a Soldier and a POW and deserves recognition.) I just wish I knew the back story to such an old 'relic'... of sorts.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Camp NaNoWriMo
What's that, you say? You're going to camp? And what does that crazy writing thing you did last November have to do with it?
Well, I'm not going to an ACTUAL camp, but I'd say this is better! :D
That's right, folks. Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, if you'll remember. I DID post about that, didn't I?) has started it's second round and I'm participating this month! What did you say? You don't even KNOW what Camp NaNo is!?
Well, let me explain!
NaNoWriMo, if you do not know, takes place in November and the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I know, I know, what crazy person partakes on something like that? As a matter of fact, thousands and thousands of people do every year! All across the globe. The atmosphere is great, it sparks creativity you didn't know you had or increases what you knew you did, there will be many laughs along the way, you're sure to make a friend or two, and in the end you have a novel to show for it! Something nobody else in the world has written exactly as you have, created those characters or that world, something totally and uniquely yours!
Well Camp officially started on August first (for this round, last month was the first and kind of like a beta/testing month) and today makes day three. Unlike last November when I did NaNo for the first time, I didn't start out writing like wild fire, typing out thousands of words each day and beginning way ahead of the game. As a matter of fact, I'm not even keeping up with the game!
But I am a looooong way from giving up, even if I never catch up.
I am also excitedly waiting to be placed in my Camp Cabin! Whoever I get placed with are sure to be the most awesome people on the planet- though I'm sure all my non-cabin mates are still just as cool!
For all you fellow Camp Wrimos, good luck to you this month. Never, EVER quit even if you believe you have NO chance of winning! Keep writing! Always remember to write, write, WRITE!
As for you non-Wrimos, try it. If not this month for camp (never to late a time to start!), then in November. Trust me you will absolutely not regret it. :D
Also, feel free to check out Script Frenzy (which takes place in April) and the Young Writer's Program!
Eagerly awaiting my Cabin,
Samantha <3
Well, I'm not going to an ACTUAL camp, but I'd say this is better! :D
That's right, folks. Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, if you'll remember. I DID post about that, didn't I?) has started it's second round and I'm participating this month! What did you say? You don't even KNOW what Camp NaNo is!?
Well, let me explain!
NaNoWriMo, if you do not know, takes place in November and the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. I know, I know, what crazy person partakes on something like that? As a matter of fact, thousands and thousands of people do every year! All across the globe. The atmosphere is great, it sparks creativity you didn't know you had or increases what you knew you did, there will be many laughs along the way, you're sure to make a friend or two, and in the end you have a novel to show for it! Something nobody else in the world has written exactly as you have, created those characters or that world, something totally and uniquely yours!
Well Camp officially started on August first (for this round, last month was the first and kind of like a beta/testing month) and today makes day three. Unlike last November when I did NaNo for the first time, I didn't start out writing like wild fire, typing out thousands of words each day and beginning way ahead of the game. As a matter of fact, I'm not even keeping up with the game!
But I am a looooong way from giving up, even if I never catch up.
I am also excitedly waiting to be placed in my Camp Cabin! Whoever I get placed with are sure to be the most awesome people on the planet- though I'm sure all my non-cabin mates are still just as cool!
For all you fellow Camp Wrimos, good luck to you this month. Never, EVER quit even if you believe you have NO chance of winning! Keep writing! Always remember to write, write, WRITE!
As for you non-Wrimos, try it. If not this month for camp (never to late a time to start!), then in November. Trust me you will absolutely not regret it. :D
Also, feel free to check out Script Frenzy (which takes place in April) and the Young Writer's Program!
Eagerly awaiting my Cabin,
Samantha <3
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. We'd already talked about it before. Both of us have considered it. But I feel like I'm going to throw up.
The guy who's practically my best friend, who I talk to almost daily, who I try to convince myself I don't have feelings for even when I know I do, who I've never even met despite being friends for five years, just told me he's joining the Army. For sure.
No doubts this time, no speculation, no "I could see myself doing it" thoughts. As in, meeting with the recruiter this coming week.
Sure, I've considered it myself. And quite seriously a few times. So I feel even stupider for feeling this way. I can't even really say I know him, seeing as we've never met, which adds on to the "feeling stupid."
But suddenly, the idea of him joining is much less appealing. I don't want to consider all the "what if"s. (Not that I can totally control my thoughts from doing so... obviously.)
I mean I'm proud of him and happy for him and all, very much so, but I'm still in the "freaking out" stage.
The guy who's practically my best friend, who I talk to almost daily, who I try to convince myself I don't have feelings for even when I know I do, who I've never even met despite being friends for five years, just told me he's joining the Army. For sure.
No doubts this time, no speculation, no "I could see myself doing it" thoughts. As in, meeting with the recruiter this coming week.
Sure, I've considered it myself. And quite seriously a few times. So I feel even stupider for feeling this way. I can't even really say I know him, seeing as we've never met, which adds on to the "feeling stupid."
But suddenly, the idea of him joining is much less appealing. I don't want to consider all the "what if"s. (Not that I can totally control my thoughts from doing so... obviously.)
I mean I'm proud of him and happy for him and all, very much so, but I'm still in the "freaking out" stage.
Harry Potter: The Final Release!
Tomorrow Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out! I'm way excited, can't wait to see it. I'm sad though, too, because its the last one.
I was supposed to be seeing the midnight showing, but appearently not anymore. Sigh.... And for some reason, the AMC near me is playing it all day today as well? Ooookaaayyy then... I have no idea why. I'm kinda irritated at not being able to see it today, either way.
Well I hope it's good!! I'm sure it well be. What do you think? What scenes will have been changed/removed? What might have the added or expanded on?
!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!
That scene with the dragon in the bank looks like it'll be awesome and I can't wait to see how it plays out. The final battle scene I admit I AM worried about though. It looks like they changed how it happens!! And whats with the part where they jump off a building together? Voldy (hehe... Voldy's gone moldy. ahh how we love you Peeves) and Harry? I'm sure I didn't forget THAT happening in the book- I just reread the second half recently!
Also with the epilogue, I wonder how that'll happen. I sincerly hope they didn't cut out that. Many fans who just want that "happy ending" will be dissapointed. Espcially after such a long series, and if they read the books and already know how it ended.
I think I'm most anticipating the scenes where Harry watches Voldemort kill Snape and then sees his memories, and where he goes into the forest alone to have himself killed.
I'll probably cry when Freddie dies. :(
Well, however it works out, I can't wait! What do you guy's think? Expecting anything in particular to happen? Especially you fans out there who haven't read the book!! What do YOU think?
Love always,
I was supposed to be seeing the midnight showing, but appearently not anymore. Sigh.... And for some reason, the AMC near me is playing it all day today as well? Ooookaaayyy then... I have no idea why. I'm kinda irritated at not being able to see it today, either way.
Well I hope it's good!! I'm sure it well be. What do you think? What scenes will have been changed/removed? What might have the added or expanded on?
!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!
That scene with the dragon in the bank looks like it'll be awesome and I can't wait to see how it plays out. The final battle scene I admit I AM worried about though. It looks like they changed how it happens!! And whats with the part where they jump off a building together? Voldy (hehe... Voldy's gone moldy. ahh how we love you Peeves) and Harry? I'm sure I didn't forget THAT happening in the book- I just reread the second half recently!
Also with the epilogue, I wonder how that'll happen. I sincerly hope they didn't cut out that. Many fans who just want that "happy ending" will be dissapointed. Espcially after such a long series, and if they read the books and already know how it ended.
I think I'm most anticipating the scenes where Harry watches Voldemort kill Snape and then sees his memories, and where he goes into the forest alone to have himself killed.
I'll probably cry when Freddie dies. :(
Well, however it works out, I can't wait! What do you guy's think? Expecting anything in particular to happen? Especially you fans out there who haven't read the book!! What do YOU think?
Love always,
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Short Stories
Just read over a bunch of my short stories. Some only a few months old, some over a year old. I like how after so much time not looking at them and practically fogetting the whole story line while busying myself with my novels, I actually like them now.
I don't look at them and think this character seems boring, theres too much description, too much dialogue, I don't fully express things like I could- using the same old boring descriptions, this and that seems forced because it had to be added, that wasn't what I wanted but thought it worked better, and so on and so on.
I can just read the story like an outsider and appreciate it for what it is. I don't badger myself and think EDIT, EDIT, EDIT. I'm just reading it. Sure, I may fix a seplling mistake here or there. But I'm reading it just to look back on my writings.
I wish I could always look at my work like that, and not only months after I last thought about it! I have to admit, reading those, I don't feel like such a bad writer. I don't really give myself much credit because I never feel like I'm moving forward- I never feel like I'm improving. I feel like I make the same mistakes, use the same pretenses, boring characters, have the same bad grammar, and yadda yadda.
Sure someone else might look at them and still see that. But I have to say I'm darn proud of those short stories. I hope one day I can always look at myself like this.
Lots of love,
PS: I wonder if that just means I'm better at short stories. Hmm.
Nah!! I love novels too much!
I don't look at them and think this character seems boring, theres too much description, too much dialogue, I don't fully express things like I could- using the same old boring descriptions, this and that seems forced because it had to be added, that wasn't what I wanted but thought it worked better, and so on and so on.
I can just read the story like an outsider and appreciate it for what it is. I don't badger myself and think EDIT, EDIT, EDIT. I'm just reading it. Sure, I may fix a seplling mistake here or there. But I'm reading it just to look back on my writings.
I wish I could always look at my work like that, and not only months after I last thought about it! I have to admit, reading those, I don't feel like such a bad writer. I don't really give myself much credit because I never feel like I'm moving forward- I never feel like I'm improving. I feel like I make the same mistakes, use the same pretenses, boring characters, have the same bad grammar, and yadda yadda.
Sure someone else might look at them and still see that. But I have to say I'm darn proud of those short stories. I hope one day I can always look at myself like this.
Lots of love,
PS: I wonder if that just means I'm better at short stories. Hmm.
Nah!! I love novels too much!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Summer Job and Summer Fun
So at the beginning of this month I got a job babysitting. Its not "normal" babysitting, its more like being a nanny. The little girl's parents are usually home, they just need the time to do stuff around the house and sometimes do errands and stuff. Its especially hard because she has a disease that causes the nerves that control her lower half of her body to not work properly.
So she needs help walking, either with a walker or holding a person's hands or something. I was surprised at how good she does. She can sit fine, crawl, stand if she has something to help her up. She's mentally fine- actually shes really, really smart. She's really sweet.
Her name is Brianna and she's three. I get six bucks an hour to watch her, so its good money. I hadn't actually planned to do it for the money so its just a plus. One of the days I was watching her, we were playing with the camera on my phone and she kept wanting me to take pictures of her stuffed animals and her and stuff. It was funny. Heres one where she was petting her stuffed horse.. lol.
And another of her on our "picnic blanket/barn for the horses".
She's real sweet. Now to the summer fun part!
So for years I've been dying to go horseback riding. I've wanted to go for soo long. Well, I finally got to go!!! My grandparents took me and my sister (Abby, whose fifteen and my only sibling if I never said that before) to a place called The Wilds. One of the things you can do is go on a trail ride on the edges of the land they keep the animals on.
So we went up Friday and then when we got there went on the trail ride. It was me and my sister and grandpa, my grandma didn't go. My horse was hugee and his names was Gates. He was gorgeous though, brown and white, and very sweet. The ride last about an hour and twenty minutes and the guide that was leading us (there was also one behind us) was very funny. His name was Bill. I so can't wait to go horseback riding again.
Then the next day was our safari ride. It was 2 1/2 hours long and we went all aroudn the park. I took two rolls of color film with my awesome Nikon camera, one of the real old ones. I love that camera. The scenery there was beautiful, on both rides. It was really fun.
Almost the fourth- Happy Independence Day everyone! Also almost July, which means it's time for plenty of birthdays. My papal's, my dad's, my mom's, and then mine! Woooooot ;P
Actually this Saturday my friend's having a bonfire sorta for her birthday and that should be fun. Babysitting again tomorrow too, this time 3 1/2 hours. Phewww wish me luck lol. It would be different if it was normal babysitting, but my job is to interact with her because she needs the social time- so no sitting around watching TV or reading lol.
Take care,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Life-like Baby Dolls.
Its that time... when dandelions are taking over yards and rains are pouring... and when I have to care for a life-like baby doll for parent and child development class. (The other class, Adult Living, still uses flour babies! :) )
You know... the ones that cry and need fed and held properly so you don't break their little necks? Don't forget the burping and diaper changing and rocking and the occasional cry for no reason. Yay!!
Sigh. I got her, Kaylee Elizabeth, at the end of school today. Went and picked her up before I left on the bus. So I've had her for... Approx. seven hours. She's cried, burped, and I swear she even farted. I just hope she doesn't keep me up all night!! Wish me luck.
PS- I don't have much faith seeing as she slept for two hours and as soon as I got in the shower- my sister comes in with a crying baby. Kaylee has horrible timing. I swear it couldn't have been more expected though. If I'd gotten in a half hour sooner, she still would have cried.
I'll post a picture laters.
You know... the ones that cry and need fed and held properly so you don't break their little necks? Don't forget the burping and diaper changing and rocking and the occasional cry for no reason. Yay!!
Sigh. I got her, Kaylee Elizabeth, at the end of school today. Went and picked her up before I left on the bus. So I've had her for... Approx. seven hours. She's cried, burped, and I swear she even farted. I just hope she doesn't keep me up all night!! Wish me luck.
PS- I don't have much faith seeing as she slept for two hours and as soon as I got in the shower- my sister comes in with a crying baby. Kaylee has horrible timing. I swear it couldn't have been more expected though. If I'd gotten in a half hour sooner, she still would have cried.
I'll post a picture laters.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
I always thought it would be cool to have a pen pal. Somebody to send letters back and forth with that you'd never met. With the internet thats a lot easier now, but it just isn't the same as using snail-mail and getting/sending those hand-written letters!
So I finally started to do some searching about three weeks ago (it was Tuesday, Feb. 8th). I'd heard about people who sent letters to Soldiers/Sailors in our military and thought: why not? Its perfect!
Then I found AAUSS- Adoptaussoldier.org
It seemed great. Nice people, simple, rewarding, reliable, and so on. So I read around, signed up, and read around some more until I was sure I wanted to do it. (Of course I was pretty sure in the first place- I signed up after about 10 short minutes.) The process of getting assigned a Soldier was easy, and all I had to do now was wait for it to move along.
Somewhere along the lines things got a little mixed up and it took longer than expected, but 8 days later I had my Soldier's name and info! I was so excited to write her! Heck, a day or two before I'd tried out writing my first letter, trying to figure out what I'd write.
Obviously I sent it out right away (I put it in the mailbox that night, to be picked up the next morning). I knew the mail was slow for one, second it would take even longer because of where it was being sent, and third I would more than likely not even get a reply for weeks or months, or even at all.
But was I discouraged? Heck NO! I was THRILLED. Me? Lil' ol' Samantha was trusted by our military to send stuff over seas to a military base? Given a Soldier's personal info to come into contact with (jeez makes her sound like an alien or something)? The address of where the base actually is? I was allowed to do this?
How. Awesome.
Well the first week came and went and it was time to write my second letter. I still felt like I was waiting to be assigned, rather than writing her again already. I sent it out and then decided- why not send an e-mail? Sure, this could be even slower than snail mail, given the fact that she probably has little or no internet access, but what if she read it? I still wasn't sure if she even had my first letter yet. So I e-mailed her.
I forgot to check my e-mail the next day, but it didn't really matter. Again, probably no reply anyway. I mean that fast? No way. The next day I had to check it anyway- whether I expected to see new mail or not.
Who would have guessed there would have been an unread e-mail I had gotten the day before? Not just any e-mail. Not just spam. It was the awesome e-mail I never would have expected. She had replied! Woohoo!!
I couldn't read it and shout to everyone in the house she'd replied fast enough. ;P
Two days later, another reply and she'd gotten my first letter that day. I was pretty happy.
What is the point of this post? Uh- JOIN! Seriously, you have to. Why are you still reading this? Go join Adopt a US Soldier already! You can really make someone else's day, even week, over there, make them feel connected to home and like people care. Do it!
AAUSS is just a sweet opportunity and I think everyone should do it. At least pas on the word and take a glance at the website. I would be much appreciated.
Have a nice day,
So I finally started to do some searching about three weeks ago (it was Tuesday, Feb. 8th). I'd heard about people who sent letters to Soldiers/Sailors in our military and thought: why not? Its perfect!
Then I found AAUSS- Adoptaussoldier.org
It seemed great. Nice people, simple, rewarding, reliable, and so on. So I read around, signed up, and read around some more until I was sure I wanted to do it. (Of course I was pretty sure in the first place- I signed up after about 10 short minutes.) The process of getting assigned a Soldier was easy, and all I had to do now was wait for it to move along.
Somewhere along the lines things got a little mixed up and it took longer than expected, but 8 days later I had my Soldier's name and info! I was so excited to write her! Heck, a day or two before I'd tried out writing my first letter, trying to figure out what I'd write.
Obviously I sent it out right away (I put it in the mailbox that night, to be picked up the next morning). I knew the mail was slow for one, second it would take even longer because of where it was being sent, and third I would more than likely not even get a reply for weeks or months, or even at all.
But was I discouraged? Heck NO! I was THRILLED. Me? Lil' ol' Samantha was trusted by our military to send stuff over seas to a military base? Given a Soldier's personal info to come into contact with (jeez makes her sound like an alien or something)? The address of where the base actually is? I was allowed to do this?
How. Awesome.
Well the first week came and went and it was time to write my second letter. I still felt like I was waiting to be assigned, rather than writing her again already. I sent it out and then decided- why not send an e-mail? Sure, this could be even slower than snail mail, given the fact that she probably has little or no internet access, but what if she read it? I still wasn't sure if she even had my first letter yet. So I e-mailed her.
I forgot to check my e-mail the next day, but it didn't really matter. Again, probably no reply anyway. I mean that fast? No way. The next day I had to check it anyway- whether I expected to see new mail or not.
Who would have guessed there would have been an unread e-mail I had gotten the day before? Not just any e-mail. Not just spam. It was the awesome e-mail I never would have expected. She had replied! Woohoo!!
I couldn't read it and shout to everyone in the house she'd replied fast enough. ;P
Two days later, another reply and she'd gotten my first letter that day. I was pretty happy.
What is the point of this post? Uh- JOIN! Seriously, you have to. Why are you still reading this? Go join Adopt a US Soldier already! You can really make someone else's day, even week, over there, make them feel connected to home and like people care. Do it!
AAUSS is just a sweet opportunity and I think everyone should do it. At least pas on the word and take a glance at the website. I would be much appreciated.
Have a nice day,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Crazy Weather and People?
Is it just me that thinks that people who believe in the apocalypse supposedly coming in 2012 are probably going nuts and have been for the passed year almost?
Mother Nature seems really angry, to me. Bad hurricanes and tornados, then even worse earth quakes (not to mention the oil spill, although I doubt Mother Nature would be behind that). Now a crazy ice and snow storm that covers over half the US followed by crazy winds causing way below 0 temperatures, a huge hurrican hitting Australia, and a obnoxious riot in Eygpt where the people have practically gone insane with rage.
Then all the crazyness inbetween. I mean, hello? If I believed in the end of the world next year I may just think it's starting. O.o
Mother Nature seems really angry, to me. Bad hurricanes and tornados, then even worse earth quakes (not to mention the oil spill, although I doubt Mother Nature would be behind that). Now a crazy ice and snow storm that covers over half the US followed by crazy winds causing way below 0 temperatures, a huge hurrican hitting Australia, and a obnoxious riot in Eygpt where the people have practically gone insane with rage.
Then all the crazyness inbetween. I mean, hello? If I believed in the end of the world next year I may just think it's starting. O.o
Other Blogs?
When I was messing around with this blog the other day, I got the idea for creating a blog that is like a novel. Each post tells the next chapter in the story but instead of one long document seperated by large chapters, it would be seperated by shorter posts.
Then an idea popped in my head and I couldn't shake it. I was immeadiately taken with the idea of this novel-blog, as I called it. It would be great!
So I got right to work starting up another blog under the same dashboard as this one, and started thinking of what the storyline could be and before I knew it there was a whole storyline starting to form before my eyes. I spent the passed three days getting it started and making the blog, and finally, less than half an hour ago, got the first post ready and put it up!
The idea is called Story of the Rose and deals with elves and a few other creatures here-and-there like Nymphs and Faeries. I won't post every day as I want to keep the story going for a while, plus theres still a lot of planning to do. But I just couldn't keep myself from starting it and putting up the first post because i'm so sure of how the beginnings going to go.
Now I better get back to planning further- as I only have it planned out to about three posts! But I can't help it. When I have a fresh idea I'm really excited about the sooner I start to tackle it the easier it is for me to stick with it before it starts getting complicated and I'm already sick of it.
I'd loooveee to hear some feedback on it and get some people reading. I don't want the posts to feel like they drag out forever so I'm keeping them relatively short, plus its easier for a quick read that hopefully will have you coming back for more.
Its also written in a bit different style than I've previously written in, so I hope it turns out okay.
The blog is StoryoftheRose.blogspot.com and I really hope I get some followers with it by the next post or two- otherwise I'll probably quit posting it as a blog and just turn it into a manuscript, eventually it may go on Inkpop.
So if you like Blogs, like reading, like something hopefully fresh, and you like some fantasy, then you should check out Story of the Rose!!

Samantha-Aniwaya (Reader, Writer, and Friend)
Then an idea popped in my head and I couldn't shake it. I was immeadiately taken with the idea of this novel-blog, as I called it. It would be great!
So I got right to work starting up another blog under the same dashboard as this one, and started thinking of what the storyline could be and before I knew it there was a whole storyline starting to form before my eyes. I spent the passed three days getting it started and making the blog, and finally, less than half an hour ago, got the first post ready and put it up!
The idea is called Story of the Rose and deals with elves and a few other creatures here-and-there like Nymphs and Faeries. I won't post every day as I want to keep the story going for a while, plus theres still a lot of planning to do. But I just couldn't keep myself from starting it and putting up the first post because i'm so sure of how the beginnings going to go.
Now I better get back to planning further- as I only have it planned out to about three posts! But I can't help it. When I have a fresh idea I'm really excited about the sooner I start to tackle it the easier it is for me to stick with it before it starts getting complicated and I'm already sick of it.
I'd loooveee to hear some feedback on it and get some people reading. I don't want the posts to feel like they drag out forever so I'm keeping them relatively short, plus its easier for a quick read that hopefully will have you coming back for more.
Its also written in a bit different style than I've previously written in, so I hope it turns out okay.
The blog is StoryoftheRose.blogspot.com and I really hope I get some followers with it by the next post or two- otherwise I'll probably quit posting it as a blog and just turn it into a manuscript, eventually it may go on Inkpop.
So if you like Blogs, like reading, like something hopefully fresh, and you like some fantasy, then you should check out Story of the Rose!!

Samantha-Aniwaya (Reader, Writer, and Friend)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest
Incase you didn't know already, Amazon hosts a massive contest called the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award or ABNA for short. This year is the fourth anual year running, and I've decided to participate.
I first heard about the contest a few months back, I believe through CreateSpace (a self-publishing company). Well, I was totally prepared to go through a bunch of edits on my older novel, Life Living In A Hotel because I figured I it had a better chance than my more recently completed one, and then I was going to enter it. Well, I totally forgot and stopped editing it and screwed myself for entering that one completely.
But thats okay. I'm entering still. Or entered, as I already did.
Instead, I'm entering my NaNoWriMo novel called My Guardian Angel Book One: The Revengeful Fallen. I do hope it at least gets passed the first stage, but I really doubt it. I'm no good with pitches. This was my first NaNo and I just did it this past November (2010). But afterwards I was still in that "I-don't-hate-every-written-word-yet" stage, so I worked a lot on it after, giving everything at LEAST one good solid edit through.
So, as I said, I entered it.

Wish me luck?
So for all of you who didn't know about ABNA, heres a little background info for ya. There are two categories (genres) under which you can enter your book. General Fiction and Young Adult Fiction. It must be a novel between 50-150K words. Under each genre they (Amazon) will except up to 5,000 entries (10,000 totall entries) or until the deadline has passed, which is Febuary 6th.
The first round of judging is on your pitch! After reading the pitches, the judges will allow 1,000 entries under each genre out of the original 5K to continue on. By the way, the pitch has a max of 300 words.
Next is the excerpts. This is a 3,000-5,000 excerpt starting from the beginning of the book, discounting title pages, acknoledgements, or any such thing. The first 3,000 at min and 5,000 at max words of your book. 250 entries only from each category will proceed to the next round.
Quarter-finalists round! You've made it! Now your excerpts and reveiws are posted for others to read, and Publishers Weekly now does the judging. Once they have completed judging, 50 entrants from each category progress to the semi-finals.
Semi-finals!! Pheww!! Can't believe you've gotten this far, have you? Out of 5,000 entries in your category, you've made the top 50! Big congrats. ;)
In this round, the top 50 entries are judged by a panel and they select THREE entries to proceed!!
Finalists!! Last round! Eeeeek! (If only I ever got this far.) Now, during this round the top excerpts for each category will be posted on the main ABNA page with links for the Amazon customer to vote for their chosen entry. Each contestant will also receive a review from a celebrity panel consisting of "at least one well-known author, one agent, and one editor."
Then the two winners, one from YA Fiction and one from General Fiction, are choosen.
But, Samantha, you haven't told us the prize yet!
Oh, whoops? Did I leave that out? Do you want to know? Reaaaallly want to know? Yes? Alright hold on 'cause you won't believe this. Each category winner gets a contract with the publishing company Penguin and a $15,000 advance. Yepp. You heard me right. An actual CONTRACT for your book! Congratulations, because apparently you have just made it out of a 5,000-person slush pile!
Yeah, so now you know. ABNA is an amazing chance for people to better their writing by hearing from professionals and having a chance at the gold medal. Which is obviously an actual published book by themselves. :P
I think I pretty much covered everything.. If you think you have a chance, sign up before its too late! Theres no obligation to publish with CS (CreateSpace) or pay or anything, its just sign up, write good, and have a little luck. The sign up process is very easy and there is even video tutorials on it, as well as a forum specifically for the contest if you have questions or need help.
Here are some links you might look at if you're interested, and I wish anyone luck whos participating this year or in future ones.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Breakthrough_Novel_Award (If you just want some more info.)
https://www.createspace.com/ (Right on the homepage, top right corner, is a picture talking about ABNA. Click it and it takes you to the entry page and videos and all that, but you have to have an account first. Nothing to that but signing up.)
http://www.amazon.com/b?node=332264011 (Amazon's page announcing the event)
http://www.amazon.com/tag/amazon%20breakthrough%20novel%20awards/forum/ref=cm_cd_ecf_sap?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx6TTNZ0V5TDQ5 (Lastly, a link to the discussion page on Amazon specifically for the contest. You can also get to it on the bottom of the page provided with the previous link.)
Sincerly Reader, Writer, and Friend,
I first heard about the contest a few months back, I believe through CreateSpace (a self-publishing company). Well, I was totally prepared to go through a bunch of edits on my older novel, Life Living In A Hotel because I figured I it had a better chance than my more recently completed one, and then I was going to enter it. Well, I totally forgot and stopped editing it and screwed myself for entering that one completely.
But thats okay. I'm entering still. Or entered, as I already did.
Instead, I'm entering my NaNoWriMo novel called My Guardian Angel Book One: The Revengeful Fallen. I do hope it at least gets passed the first stage, but I really doubt it. I'm no good with pitches. This was my first NaNo and I just did it this past November (2010). But afterwards I was still in that "I-don't-hate-every-written-word-yet" stage, so I worked a lot on it after, giving everything at LEAST one good solid edit through.
So, as I said, I entered it.

Wish me luck?
So for all of you who didn't know about ABNA, heres a little background info for ya. There are two categories (genres) under which you can enter your book. General Fiction and Young Adult Fiction. It must be a novel between 50-150K words. Under each genre they (Amazon) will except up to 5,000 entries (10,000 totall entries) or until the deadline has passed, which is Febuary 6th.
The first round of judging is on your pitch! After reading the pitches, the judges will allow 1,000 entries under each genre out of the original 5K to continue on. By the way, the pitch has a max of 300 words.
Next is the excerpts. This is a 3,000-5,000 excerpt starting from the beginning of the book, discounting title pages, acknoledgements, or any such thing. The first 3,000 at min and 5,000 at max words of your book. 250 entries only from each category will proceed to the next round.
Quarter-finalists round! You've made it! Now your excerpts and reveiws are posted for others to read, and Publishers Weekly now does the judging. Once they have completed judging, 50 entrants from each category progress to the semi-finals.
Semi-finals!! Pheww!! Can't believe you've gotten this far, have you? Out of 5,000 entries in your category, you've made the top 50! Big congrats. ;)
In this round, the top 50 entries are judged by a panel and they select THREE entries to proceed!!
Finalists!! Last round! Eeeeek! (If only I ever got this far.) Now, during this round the top excerpts for each category will be posted on the main ABNA page with links for the Amazon customer to vote for their chosen entry. Each contestant will also receive a review from a celebrity panel consisting of "at least one well-known author, one agent, and one editor."
Then the two winners, one from YA Fiction and one from General Fiction, are choosen.
But, Samantha, you haven't told us the prize yet!
Oh, whoops? Did I leave that out? Do you want to know? Reaaaallly want to know? Yes? Alright hold on 'cause you won't believe this. Each category winner gets a contract with the publishing company Penguin and a $15,000 advance. Yepp. You heard me right. An actual CONTRACT for your book! Congratulations, because apparently you have just made it out of a 5,000-person slush pile!
Yeah, so now you know. ABNA is an amazing chance for people to better their writing by hearing from professionals and having a chance at the gold medal. Which is obviously an actual published book by themselves. :P
I think I pretty much covered everything.. If you think you have a chance, sign up before its too late! Theres no obligation to publish with CS (CreateSpace) or pay or anything, its just sign up, write good, and have a little luck. The sign up process is very easy and there is even video tutorials on it, as well as a forum specifically for the contest if you have questions or need help.
Here are some links you might look at if you're interested, and I wish anyone luck whos participating this year or in future ones.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Breakthrough_Novel_Award (If you just want some more info.)
https://www.createspace.com/ (Right on the homepage, top right corner, is a picture talking about ABNA. Click it and it takes you to the entry page and videos and all that, but you have to have an account first. Nothing to that but signing up.)
http://www.amazon.com/b?node=332264011 (Amazon's page announcing the event)
http://www.amazon.com/tag/amazon%20breakthrough%20novel%20awards/forum/ref=cm_cd_ecf_sap?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx6TTNZ0V5TDQ5 (Lastly, a link to the discussion page on Amazon specifically for the contest. You can also get to it on the bottom of the page provided with the previous link.)
Sincerly Reader, Writer, and Friend,
Friday, January 28, 2011
Book Reveiws?
This is going to be a fairly short post. I was considering to start reveiwing books I read from now on.
So I'm asking YOU (yes, you there! Right there! Reading these words and looking over your shoulder as if I'm talking to somebody there! No YOU! The nonexistent reader! Yeah, you!Sheesh, took ya long enough.) what you think about that there sorta-plan? Should I attempt to reveiw books I read? Ones I reread?
Questions about reveiwing, if I were to do so. Please comment with some replies :)
1. Should I reveiw ALL books I read?
2. Should I break my reveiws down into genre categories or some such way? Or just label it "book reveiws" haha.
3. What do you consider about/in books you are reveiwing?
4. Do you think there are "good reveiws" and "bad reveiws"? (As in the reveiw itself was written one way or the other, not its overall point was the BOOK itself was good/bad.)
5. What makes a good book reveiw? Anything specific?
6. Do you want more opinion (obviously it all is, but) or more "fact"?
7. Do you like specifically pointed out parts or general points?
8. Do you prefer book reveiws that do or don't give away anything in the book at all and stays very general?
9. Do you take notes or makr things down as you read that you'd like to bring up later?
10. Do you plan to read more of my blog?
Wait.. How did that last one get there? Hmm... *gives inconspicious look*
Anything else you'd like to adivse me about before I try and do some book reveiws?
So what do you think? Yay or nay shall I give mi lowly 'pinion on thee future books I doth read?
Thanks in advance!
Writer, Reader, and Friend,
So I'm asking YOU (yes, you there! Right there! Reading these words and looking over your shoulder as if I'm talking to somebody there! No YOU! The nonexistent reader! Yeah, you!Sheesh, took ya long enough.) what you think about that there sorta-plan? Should I attempt to reveiw books I read? Ones I reread?
Questions about reveiwing, if I were to do so. Please comment with some replies :)
1. Should I reveiw ALL books I read?
2. Should I break my reveiws down into genre categories or some such way? Or just label it "book reveiws" haha.
3. What do you consider about/in books you are reveiwing?
4. Do you think there are "good reveiws" and "bad reveiws"? (As in the reveiw itself was written one way or the other, not its overall point was the BOOK itself was good/bad.)
5. What makes a good book reveiw? Anything specific?
6. Do you want more opinion (obviously it all is, but) or more "fact"?
7. Do you like specifically pointed out parts or general points?
8. Do you prefer book reveiws that do or don't give away anything in the book at all and stays very general?
9. Do you take notes or makr things down as you read that you'd like to bring up later?
10. Do you plan to read more of my blog?
Wait.. How did that last one get there? Hmm... *gives inconspicious look*
Anything else you'd like to adivse me about before I try and do some book reveiws?
So what do you think? Yay or nay shall I give mi lowly 'pinion on thee future books I doth read?
Thanks in advance!
Writer, Reader, and Friend,
Monday, January 17, 2011
2011 and Marrige
This post is a little on the late side, don't you think? If by some miricle, you were following my blog, then I apologize for not having post in almost three months.
Anywho, its 2011! Half way through already, to be exact. I still feel like two days ago I was counting down the minutes left in 2010.
School midterms/finals are this week. Let me tell you how much I NOT looking forward to those. Though it shouldn't be too bad. I only have three actually exams and one is just presenting a project.. could be worse. I'm glad to be switching classes, thats for sure.
I might just miss enviormental science, though.
This semester I'll be taking Sociology, Photography 2 (black and white film), Parent and Child Development, Exp. With Foods, and will have a study hall for new classes. Unless you count switching lunches. Then I also have the rest of my American Lit/English 11 class and my math class.
Should be interesting.
New Years resolutions? I didn't really have any. Did you?
Now for the marrige part of this post!
I learned yesterday that two of my friends from when I lived in Florida are now engaged. They just gratudated last year, so I was even more surprised it was so early. I don't have much contact with them anymore, but I gotta say I didn't see it coming. At least not now.
Its quite weird to have people I know, people I was friends with and grew up with for some time, getting married. It seems kinda unreal. Like "wow, people are really growing up and moving on with their lives."
Its hard to fathom, I guess. But I am very happy for them and wish them the best!
PS: Whats new for you so far in 2011?
Anywho, its 2011! Half way through already, to be exact. I still feel like two days ago I was counting down the minutes left in 2010.
School midterms/finals are this week. Let me tell you how much I NOT looking forward to those. Though it shouldn't be too bad. I only have three actually exams and one is just presenting a project.. could be worse. I'm glad to be switching classes, thats for sure.
I might just miss enviormental science, though.
This semester I'll be taking Sociology, Photography 2 (black and white film), Parent and Child Development, Exp. With Foods, and will have a study hall for new classes. Unless you count switching lunches. Then I also have the rest of my American Lit/English 11 class and my math class.
Should be interesting.
New Years resolutions? I didn't really have any. Did you?
Now for the marrige part of this post!
I learned yesterday that two of my friends from when I lived in Florida are now engaged. They just gratudated last year, so I was even more surprised it was so early. I don't have much contact with them anymore, but I gotta say I didn't see it coming. At least not now.
Its quite weird to have people I know, people I was friends with and grew up with for some time, getting married. It seems kinda unreal. Like "wow, people are really growing up and moving on with their lives."
Its hard to fathom, I guess. But I am very happy for them and wish them the best!
PS: Whats new for you so far in 2011?
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